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component / separate technical
unit (1) with

regard to Directive 80/1268/EEC, as last amended by



Type-approval number:


Reason for extension:


Section I


0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):


0.2. Type and general commercial description(s):


0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the

vehicle/component/separate technical unit (1) (2):


0.3.1. Location of that marking:


0.4. Category of vehicle (3):


0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:


0.6. In the case of components and separate technical

location and method of affixing of the EC type-approval


0.7. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):


Section II


1. Additional information (where applicable): see


2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the


3. Date of test report:


4. No of test report:


5. Remarks (if any): see addendum


6. Place:


7. Date:


8. Signature:


9. The index to the information package lodged with the

which may be obtained on request, is attached.




to EC type-approval certificate No:..................


concerning the type approval of a vehicle with regard to

80/1268/EEC (CO2 emissions and fuel consumption) as last
amended by

Directive 93/116/EC.


1. Additional information


1.1. Mass of the vehicle in running order:


1.2. Maximum mass:


1.3. Type of bodywork: saloon, estate, coupВ (1)


1.4. Drive wheels: front, rear, 4 x 4 (1)


1.5. Engine:


1.5.1. Engine displacement:


1.5.2. Fuel supply system: carburettor/injection (1)


1.5.3. Fuel recommended by the manufacturer:


1.5.4. Maximum power: 
kW at  min-1


1.5.5. Pressure charging device: yes/no (1)


1.5.6. Ignition system: diesel/conventional or electronic



1.6. Transmission:


1.6.1. Type of gearbox: manual/automatic (1)


1.6.2. Number of gear ratios:


1.6.3. Total gear ratios (including the rolling
circumferences of

the tyres under load): road speeds per 1 000 min-1 km/h


First gear:


Second gear:


Third gear: 
Fourth gear:


Fifth gear:




1.6.4. Final drive ratio:


1.6.5. Tyres:


Type: Dimensions:


Rolling circumference under load:


1.7. Test results


1.7.1. CO2 mass emission: g/km


1.7.2. Fuel consumptions Fuel consumption (urban conditions): l/100 km Fuel consumption (extra-urban conditions): l/100
km Fuel consumption (combined): l/100 km


2. Remarks:


(1) Delete where not applicable.


(2) If the means of identification of type contains
characters not

    relevant to
describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit

    types covered
by this type-approval certificate, such characters shall

    be represented
in the documentation by the  symbol' ?'



(3) As defined in Annex II A to Directive 70/156/EEC.




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